Today we took a trip to Lossiemouth to watch the fighter jets flying from the RAF base. We watched from both ends of the runway as all sorts of planes landed and took off. We were really lucky that the Red Arrows were in town to practice some of their aerobatics for the summer air shows so we saw them as well as the Typhoons, Posiedon reconaissance aircraft and even a HUGE A400. I was able to stand at the fence as the planes came into land and I could almost touch them as you can see from the pictures. One of the Typhoon pilotsRead More →

This is me at Woodland Wheels, the Velosolutions pump-track in the woods at Boat of Garten. It’s located off the forrest trail just beside the football pitch and is a brilliant track. I’ve been to several around Scotland and this one is my absolute favourite. As well as the main track there is a small version for young kids to start on. You can even ride scooters and skates on the track and there is a bench so your parents can sit and watch if they don’t like to ride. You can cycle down to the track from the lodges through the forrest in 15Read More →

I’ve actually done this a couple of time now. The first time I was on a smaller quad designed for children but this time I was able to ride the adult bike like mum & dad because I am taller and stronger. It’s a really fun thing to do as you get to ride through the trees, up and down hills and even through a river!! I had to lift my legs up in the air so my feet didn’t get wet. At one point I had to dodge some sheep that were on the path we were riding along. I really want to goRead More →